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Go to Report -> AppSetting -> Replay to enter the application replay settings page.


Max QPS: In order to reduce the load on the user's machine under test, the maximum number of playback QPS can be modified as needed.

Skip Mock: If there are some third-party dependency paths that should not be mocked, you can click "+ Add" to add paths to ignore. During replay, AREX will not mock these dependencies, meaning that actual calls will be made.


The exclusion template currently supports the following types of exclusion comparisons:

databasedatabase nameMethod name (update, query, delete). If not filled in, all methods under this library will be defaulted
dubboservice nameInterface name (if not filled in, all interfaces under this service are defaulted)
httphttp (Fixed value)Interface name (default all if not filled)
redisclusterNamecommand (If not filled in, all commands under this cluster will be defaulted)
Dynamic classesclass nameMethod name (default to all methods under this class if not filled)