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Commit Code

1. Fork Repository

The core service components include AREX-Agent, AREX-API, AREX-Storage, AREX-Schedule, and AREX-Front. First, determine the repository where you want to commit your code, and then from the remote repository,<corresponding repository>.git Fork a copy of the code from the remote repository to your own repository. Here is an example of AREX-Storage repository.

2. Configure git and commit changes

  • Clone your repository locally.
git clone<your_github_name>/arex-storage.git
  • Add the remote repository address, naming it upstream, for example:
git remote add upstream
  • Check out the repository:
git remote -v

There will be two repositories: origin (your own repository) and upstream (the remote repository).

  • Get/update remote repository code (skip if it's already up-to-date):
git fetch upstream
  • Merge remote repository code to local repository:
git checkout origin/main
git merge --no-ff upstream/main
  • New branch:

Every time you want to submit a PR, you have to create a new branch for Feature or Bugfix, based on the main branch of the upstream.

git checkout -b xxx origin/main
  • After making code changes on the newly created branch, commit it to your own repository:
git commit -m 'commit content'
git push origin xxx --set-upstream

3. Create PR

  • Once the code is committed, open Github's Pull Request page in your browser and click "New pull request".

  • Select the modified local branch and the destination branch you want to merge, and click "Create pull request" to create a PR.

After the maintainer completes the CodeReview, the commit is merged into the main branch.